扎染古称“绞缬(xié)”,是中国陈旧的纺织品染色武艺,充满明智的古东谈主很早就初始使用植物染色。在当然界,有许多植物不错用作蓝色的染料,其中最著名的即是板蓝根,板蓝根的叶子经过发酵、氧化后,便酿成了一种叫靛花的漂荡物,比蓝色的染液更鲜亮,正所谓“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”。 Tie-dye, also known as \"Jiaoxie\" in ancient times, is an ancient Chinese textile dyeing technique, in which wise ancients extensively utilized plant dyes. In nature, there are numerous plants that can be used as blue dyes, with the most famous being Indigowoad Root. After the leaves of Indigowoad Root undergo fermentation and oxidation, they form a substance called indigo, which floats on the surface and is brighter than the blue dye solution, hence the saying \"the blue color comes from indigo, yet is better than indigo\". 绘制、缝线、抽紧、染制、拆线、阴干……以皑皑布疋为载体,用植物染料浸染,一场陈旧而又时尚的“变幻之术”由此伸开。扎染因其璀璨多变的特色以及环保的制作经过受到越来越多番邦东谈主的青睐。 Through drawing, stitching, tightening, dyeing, removing stitches, and air drying, tie-dyeing unfolds as an ancient yet avant-garde \"art of transformation\" on pristine white fabric, using plant dyes for immersion. Tie-dyeing is increasingly favored by more and more foreigners due to its dazzling and environmentally friendly production process.汉文作家:四川日报全媒体记者卢丽嘉英文作家:四川海传说播中心记者刘动 影相:卢丽嘉